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Round-ups Archive

scientists comment on ethics council report on behavioural genetics

This week the Nuffield Council on Bioethics published their report on ‘Genes and Human Behaviour’ to tackle the contentious ethical issues in this area of research. The report concentrates the influence which genes have on ‘normal’ behaviour, rather than on specific diseases. read more

scientists react to breakthrough in pig-to-human transplants

PPL Theraputics, the company behind Dolly the Sheep, has successfully cloned the world’s first ‘double knock-out’ pigs. The animals were genetically altered to prevent human rejection of transplanted pig organs. This research has huge implications for cloning, ‘xenotransplantation’ (organ transplants from animals to humans) and research ethics. read more

scientists comment on DNA ethics report

The report published by the Nuffield Council on Bioethics, recommends a number of significant changes to the way that DNA patents are granted, and proposed that patents involving DNA sequences be allowed only in exceptional circumstances. read more

scientists comment on spending review announcement

Gordon Brown has announced that science education and research will receive a huge boost in government funding. The money will go to refurbishing old laboratories, improving the salaries of junior university scientists, and helping universities to profit from their discoveries. read more

scientists comment on new stem cell research

The research, published online by Nature, found that adult stem cells could behave more like embryonic stem cells, and that embryonic cells offered a potential route for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease. read more

scientists comment on BBC GM drama

These comments follow the screening of the new BBC drama ‘Fields of Gold’, written by Ronan Bennett and Alan Rusbridger (Editor of The Guardian), at the Science Media Centre. read more

scientists dismiss maverick human cloning claims – again!

Scientists have once again been forced to respond to claims by controversial Italian fertility expert Severino Antinori that human reproductive cloning is already taking place. Following media reports last week that one of his own patients is expecting a cloned child, Antinori has now used an Italian chat show to claim that three other woman are pregnant with cloned babies. read more

scientists react to reports of GM pollution.

The report by Mexican government scientists, presented at the Convention on Biological Diversity in The Hague, suggested that genes from USA GM maize had crossed the Mexican border, polluting non-GM maize grown there. read more

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