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expert reaction to glucosamine supplementation and life span in nematode worms and mice

A study published in Nature Communications found the widely used dietary supplement D-glucosamine, taken by patients with arthritis, extends the life of nematode worms and of ageing mice.


Prof Tim Spector, Professor of Genetic Epidemiology and Consultant Rheumatologist, King’s College London, said:

“Glucosamine is an interesting molecule that could affect us subtly in many ways. It has been used safely in arthritis for years – although the benefits to joints and mechanisms are still controversial. If an even modest effect on aging were proven it would be a major advance. However, humans are not the same as worms or rodents and studies will need careful replication before we get over-excited.”


‘D-Glucosamine supplementation extends life span of nematodes and of ageing mice’ by Sandra Weimer et al. published in Nature Communications on Tuesday 8 April.

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