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Fiona fox's blog

shale gas and fracking

In August David Cameron gave his strong backing to development of a UK shale gas industry.  Later that month there were protests in Sussex against fracking.  It has become a polarised issue with claims and counterclaims on each side of the debate and it’s hard to know what’s true.

This background briefing featured four senior experts with knowledge of the major issues around shale gas and fracking: seismicity, environmental impact, economics, emissions, energy security and reserves.  The speakers include scientists who contributed to the Royal Society/Royal Academy of Engineering 2012 report on shale gas extraction in the UK and were joined by DECC CSA David MacKay.



Prof David MacKay, DECC Chief Scientific Advisor

Prof Zoe Shipton, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Strathclyde

Prof Mike Stephenson, Director of Science and Technology at British Geological Survey (BGS)

Prof Rob Ward, Director of Groundwater Science at BGS

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