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scientists comment on paper on insulin producing cells from human sperm stem cells

Researchers at Georgetown University Medical Center have taken tissue from human testicles that produce sperm, grafted them onto diabetic mice and showed that blood sugar levels can be controlled for up to a week because they produce insulin. Published in American Society for Cell Biology.


Prof Chris Mason, Chair of Regenerative Medicine Bioprocessing, UCL , said:

“”Yet again, a world-class team of scientists has suggested another novel cell-based therapy for diabetes. The question is how to turn such great discoveries into safe effective cures for people with diabetes – a process that has a high failure rate and takes years. It is time for less hype and more pragmatism. Patients quite rightly want cures today, the science shows great promise for the future, but the chasm between the patients’ needs and the scientists’ dreams are twenty plus years apart. Therefore, not only do we need great scientific breakthroughs, but we also need scientists, engineers and clinicians to discover the necessary tools to reduce this unacceptable chasm. These translation tools will be a real breakthrough not just for science but more importantly for patients and their families.””


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