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Nuffield Council on Bioethics to publish recommendations on governance of stem cell-based embryo model research

The Nuffield Council on Bioethics (NCOB) have published findings from their review of the ethical and regulatory questions surrounding stem cell-based embryo model (SCBEM) research.

As a research tool, SCBEMs offer the potential to bring about public benefit through new insights around early human development. However, there is debate about their status – for example in relation to human embryos – and any research that is perceived to be pushing ethical boundaries could negatively impact on the overall acceptability of this field of research.

The review identifies key challenges in the governance of SCBEM research. The NCOB make recommendations about how to address these, through amendments to voluntary guidance in the short term, and to legislation in the longer term.

The report was published on Wednesday 27 November. Journalists joined us for a media briefing where members of the expert working group who conducted this ethics and regulatory review presented their findings and took questions.


Speakers included:

Danielle Hamm, Director, Nuffield Council on Bioethics

Professor Emma Cave, Chair of the Nuffield Council on Bioethics Working Group on stem cell-based embryo models and Professor of Healthcare Law, University of Durham

Professor Helen Picton, Member of the Nuffield Council on Bioethics Working Group on stem cell-based embryo models and Professor of Reproduction and Early Development, University of Leeds

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